RD report - brian Car presentations first weekend of february to second weekend of march. -Would appreciate if areas grouped together Will region pay rd and rd alt to world conference? bring car/cat votes back for april rsc Alt RD report - Charles F what rd said midwest zonal forum meeting jan 26 treasurer report - sam income and expenses report in minutes discussion of treasurer audit/ scheduling it question re if area or individual recieves reimbursement for hosting expenses ocna report - joe ocna 35 cash audit was clean $6266.62 to each region, $3000 to ocna 36 for seed money fundraising is having issues with chairs attendence and financial reporting, has been made current question if fundraising committee will generate sufficient revenue groups and areas are donating at a normal pace secretary report - george minutes were late due to personal issues PI & H&I absent ****rcm reports**** coascna - matt recently completed their biannual convention ffascna mansfield - not in attendence dayton - gary frascna five rivers - dan greater cincy - not here hamilton/middleton - measna - chad miami valley mvascna - paul next region holiday inn express, sydney ohio, $109/night, must reserve rooms before march 2 sacna? - seth moascna marion - kirby stacsna would we host region soon (july 2018?) where would we be in the convention rotation policy cooridator report - dave Spring retreat - gary may 11-13 12 step retreat webmaster hostgater insurance cert on naohio, additionally insured needed contact chair (joe) old business tar hallow chairperson election - larry ****LUNCH BREAK**** ****RD and RCM meeting**** CAR is available on na.org need to schedule with RD for car workshop minnesota has drt/ mat friendly meetings